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Operational Grant

Operational Expenditure

Financial support to incubators upto INR 30 Lakhs per year to cover operational expenditure for 5 years or until self-sustainable whichever is earlier. This incentive shall be granted to those incubators which have 10 or more startups incubated. The year-on-year continuation of operational expenditure support shall be solely dependent on incubator’s performance assessed through Incubator Performance Evaluation Framework released by Nodal Agency and approved by PMIC.

Following items are covered under the definition of Operational Expenditure to be claimed under the policy. The list is for illustrative purposes only. However, any exclusion of the list must be approved in advance by the Governing Council of the incubator.

S. No. Expense Heads Description
1. Salary Salary of incubation manager and 2 support staff only
2. Accounting & Audit Fee Fee to Accountant/ Chartered Accountant for preparation of accounts, P&L and Balance Sheet of the incubator
3. Professional Services Fee Monthly retainership/ consultancy charges of Legal and other relevant consultants for patent/ copyright/ trademark/ company incorporation/ GST etc.
4. Mentor Fee Honorarium to mentors
5. Electricity Charges Monthly electricity charges
6. Broadband/ Internet charges Broadband connectivity charges for the incubator
7. Repair & Maintenance Repair & maintenance charges including “Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)” being paid for upkeep of technology infrastructure as defined in Capex heads table
8. Consumables and raw material Printer/ 3D printer cartridge, printing paper, stationary etc.
9. Branding & Marketing Cost of branding and marketing of incubator including incubator website, social media channels, graphic designing, promotional campaigns etc.
10. Events and outreach programs Events and programs conducted within the incubator to facilitate startups through bootcamps, hackathons, mentorship sessions, capacity building, demo day, pitching sessions, industry connect etc.

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