What Problem: In this era, after COVID and ED-Tech boom there is tremendous competition among schools to provide high-standard learning to fulfill students' and parents’ expectations. According to the school management standpoint, multiple aspects are critical to focus on. 1. Effectively engaging existing students and retaining them for the next session 2. Building effective brand building of the school so that new students can be added 3. Addressing proactive attrition of students who are quitting in the next season How we are Solving: The idea is to build a 360-degree analytical framework for the schools to understand students' and parents' pain areas with expectations gap, based on that generating actionable insights on the school’s improvement areas. There will be periodic analytical insights once in three or six months, This will be based on students' detailed open feedback using text mining and AI ML models, also applying a predictive model as a score of individual students who are highly dissatisfied and most likely to quit. So that schools can improve, engage, and retain students. This will reduce student churn, brand building and attract new students. Why it’s Important to Solve: After the rise of ED-Tech education, schools are feeling strong competitive pressure to counter this new trend. Hence this framework will fulfill their objective of satisfying, engaging, and retaining students by providing standard quality education.
Show MoreYear of Establishment2021