
Bussiness Ideas

(Explicitly Mentioning that this neither an attempt of developing a Perpetual Motion Machine nor the proposed system is violating any natural law.) The proposed solution will be a full fledged hardware capable of producing electrical power, which will be provided with initial electrical power from grid power or charged battery for some specific period of time, then after the system will be able to produce electrical power in such a way that it can be stored by the system itself to run load and the system itself to run in continuation. To develop a hardware device for clean energy electrical energy production for household usage by implementing close loop self sustainable design configuration device operation will not use any conventional fossil fuel. Thereafter to sell the proposed hardware units as Self Charging Stand alone Auxiliary power units to common household consumers as Direct sale revenue model.Lab level – Proof of Concept (POC Validation done, developing prototype) (b) Science and working principle behind the idea Electro-magnetic induction, Electro-chemical energy transformation. (c) Final outcome/deliverable of the project o Proposed solution can be used in EV’s which allows the EV to self charge it. o A full fledged portable household unit able to produce power for consumption. o Units might be of variable power generation ratings, appropriate will be used as per requirement. o Scaled up version of said product might be used for industrial use as well specifically for EV’s.

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Entity Type
Private Limited Company
Renewable Energy
Startup Stage

Startup Teams

  • 1 ABHISHEK KUMAR (Director)
  • 2 DIKSHA MISHRA (Director)

Incubation Details

  • Incubator Name
    Bundelkhand University Active Start-Up Incubation Council (BASIC)
  • Incubator Host Institution
    Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
  • Incubator Address
    Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Jhansi
  • State
    Uttar Pradesh
  • City

Approved Incentive

  • 1 Sustenance Allowances (1st Tranche )
    ₹ 78,750.00

Year of Establishment2023


Uttar Pradesh
NEW -754 MASHIHA GANJ Sipri Bazar Jhansi UP 284003 IN