Bussiness Ideas

We're a company which works in multiple areas with different products and visions. Our current different targeted sectors are Education, IT Solutions and Events Solutions. In education, we provide modern online education management and learning system software for all academic institutions like schools, colleges, coaching. With our Education Management and Learning software, we bridge the communication gap which exists there among the schools, teachers and parents. At the same time, making the functioning of institutions administration and management, increasing the net productivity and reducing the time and manual effort required in managing academics. EasyEduLab is a user-friendly EMS. A state of the art School Management System -ERP-designed for real time access across all devices. The Comprehensive account management system allows institutes to keep track of payments and collections. At the same juncture, it allows parents to keep track of every record starting from attendance to results. Integrated with a plethora of bulk SMS services, Institutions can now easily send notice/events to parents and teachers for every activity happening in their schools.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company


Education Technology

Startup Stage



Consumer Internet ,Engineering ,Location Based Services... ,SaaS

Year of Establishment: 2019


State: Haryana
Disctrict: Gurugram
1244, Block C, pincode: 122001