Heritex is set to make history by launching India’s first fashion brand, Saraayat, dedicated exclusively to handicraft products. Saraayat will focus on celebrating India’s rich cultural heritage through exquisite handicrafts like Chikankari, Kashmiri embroidery, and other traditional art forms, reimagined for modern fashion. With a mission to blend tradition with technology, Saraayat aims to introduce cutting-edge AI-based innovations to transform the shopping experience. The brand will offer on-demand customization features, allowing customers to personalize designs according to their preferences. This level of customization, powered by AI, ensures that every piece resonates with the buyer’s unique taste and style. Additionally, Saraayat will employ virtual try-on technology to enhance customer confidence and convenience in online shopping, bridging the gap between traditional retail and e-commerce. Saraayat is not just about innovation but also about representing India’s cultural legacy on a global platform. By combining traditional craftsmanship with modern technology, we aim to create products that stand out internationally. The brand will collaborate with skilled artisans, particularly women, empowering them economically while preserving India’s rich artistic traditions. Through Saraayat, Heritex seeks to redefine the handicraft industry, merging heritage with innovation to deliver sustainable, personalized, and globally competitive fashion.
Private Limited Company
Integrated Communication Services
Year of Establishment: 2023