Bussiness Ideas

Healthcare is a kind of field, which is extremely vast, and knowledge about health is everybody's requirement. There are so many recognised streams (like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc.), within them there are multiple branches, and Specialities too. But unfortunately no one can have every bit of knowledge about this, as well as no one can be Authentic to talk or suggest on every health related issues, and there was not even one such kind of online platform which can bring such kind of Authentic Knowledge from different Streams, Branches and Specialties, from their Real specialists, and how this may be possible, as most of the times real Doctors are busy in treatments, and can not write big sentences about any health condition, and if they write or make a video, How a person who doesn't know him, can believe that, whatever he is saying is trustable as he can't showcase his Digree or certificates everytime. so, sharing their valuable knowledge and information in the form of their cases, treatments, discussions and other different activities on any social media platform, may give them some likes or comments but doesn't give them any professional or business benefits, or even proper online Recognition. On other hand, whenever we search anything healthcare related on internet, we get a lot of data every time but, that can not be believed, as there are many possibilities such as any one person is writing or making videos about different topics, for which he is not even Authorised to talk about, so, that creates untrust in public or may cause harm to some one. So, by keeping all this in mind, i created 'Medihits', which is going to be an Authentic, free to use, online Healthcare Community, where Qualified and licensed Doctors can be displayed as Varified Profile, so, whatever content (related to their specialties), like knowledge material, cases, treatments, capabilities, Innovations and Professional activities as well as their professional and social network and connections, will create more trust, and their online Global Recognition, so will definitely bring better and more fruitful returns to them, in the form of better business and opportunities for themselves. This way, even those who have good knowledge in their specialties or subject, but doesn't have any strong background (like medical background) or lots of money to invest initially, will be able to create much better Recognition and opportunities for themselves, in a very lesser time and struggle. This will also help Doctors and other Medicos to get more and updated knowledge and information about their subjects from different parts of world. In the same time the knowledge shared by these Authentic, decentralised Knowledge sources (Qualified Doctors), will be more useful and trustable, as well as will create more awareness, Impact and understanding, among Common public, and will guide them better to take better decisions about any of their Health related issues. So, this is going to be a great Win-win Situation for all stakeholders of Healthcare field. This way, Medihits will develop into an online marketplace around Healthcare niche, and will earn revenue from multiple methods like, focused Advertising, product promotion, content promotion, product selling, affiliate marketing etc.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company


Healthcare IT

Startup Stage




Year of Establishment: 2021


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Kanpur Nagar
24 /57, Birhana Road, Kanpur, pincode: 208001