
Bussiness Ideas

Conduct health screening to school children and digitalise their health records and provision other onlineoffline healthcare services. UbiqCure is a brand name of a Health-Tech startup enterprise of Sidvir Private Limited by ladies and their dependents of Gallant Soldiers. We are trying to bring efficiency in the present day medical services through emerging digital platforms. We have undertaken a lead to digitalize the health records of school children. The present paper based health records prevalent in most of the schools restricted in their school diaries needs a relook in view of its limited utility. An e-Health Record Card (e-HRC) offers tremendous benefits to its users and is easy to adopt with universal availability of prevalent mobiles and internet connectivity. It will ensure its simultaneous availability to parents, school management and treating physicians in real time. Post COVID-19, concerns of school management and parents towards school children have increased significantly. We would like to offer one of our products, the e-HRC for children with enhanced medical parameters. The e-HRC can be accessed over mobile or laptop/PC by all the stakeholders simultaneously including the doctors who shall be treating the child when they become sick. Our services can be extended to children’s parents and their other family members in future as well. In order to digitalize the health record, there is a need to conduct the physical interaction with your school children to conduct the required medical examination. Our team of Doctors and Paramedics alongwith their support staff will require to visit in each school premises.

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Entity Type
Private Limited Company
Health Information Technology
Startup Stage

Startup Teams

  • 1 Jyoti Singh (Founder)
  • 2 Alok Singh (Director)

Incubation Details

Not Incubated

Approved Incentive

Not Available

Year of Establishment2022


Uttar Pradesh
403, Skyline Plaza 3, Sushant Golf City, Ansal API, Lucknow