
Bussiness Ideas

Praadviik Advance Agri Solutions LLP is realization of passion of a technocrat and young entrepreneur to establish a commercial biotechnology firm in Uttar Pradesh with a mandate to deliver technically proven superior quality tissue culture raised planting material and services to farmers for nurturing agriculture sector of the region. Praadviik Advance Agri Solutions LLP is a first limited liability partnership firm in the sector of plant biotechnology in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The firm had been incorporated as limited liability partnership (LLP) in the sector of biotechnology with full-fledged operation at Prayagraj. The firm is owned by a young couple entrepreneur and have production capacity of 0.5 million (5.0 lakhs) plantlets per annum. As a matter of pride, in the recent past Praadviik Advance Agri Solutions LLP has vision to become an authentic source of quality tissue culture raised planting material at economical price for farmers in region. The Laboratory will be extensively involved in the area of biotechnological research, development of commercially viable tissue culture protocol as well as production and distribution of tissue culture raised planting material of different plant species. Though firm is new in the region, the facility has adopted the best commercial practices available round the globe. Currently, firm is focusing on distribution of quality Banana, Teak and other tissue culture planting materials to the farmers of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh etc. Our Vision The main objective of Praadviik Advance Agri Solutions LLP is to provide way-out to Indian agriculture through commercialization of upcoming modern biotechnological approaches. Praadviik Advance Agri Solutions LLP always starve to adopt nationally and internationally proven technologies and quality practices for the betterment of agriculture. The firm is engaged in development and standardization of commercial tissue culture protocols for various plant species such as horticultural, floricultural, forestry and medicinal plants. As a corporate social responsibility firm is also mandated to train manpower and conduct the field trials of upcoming potential biotechnological agricultural products. With the experience and expertise in the biotech field, the company has also been expanded its activities to project consultancy for establishing new venture in the field of tissue culture preparing bankable detail project report, soil analysis services etc. The organization is very much interested to collaborate with academic as well as research institution/ universities for imparting training to students / staffs interested in the field.

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Entity Type
Limited Liability Partnership
Startup Stage

Startup Teams

  • 1 SHWETA KESARWANI (Partner)
  • 2 Dr GAURAV KRISHNA (Partner)

Incubation Details

  • Incubator Name
    RECM Innovation Centre (Foundation)
  • Incubator Host Institution
    Rajkiya Engineering College Mainpuri
  • Incubator Address
    3rd Floor Admin Block REC Mainpuri
  • State
    Uttar Pradesh
  • City

Approved Incentive

Not Available

Year of Establishment2022


Uttar Pradesh