I want to install a BIO CNG PLANT . This is a waste to energy venture which cleans the atmosphere by utilising the Agricultural waste , Cattle Dung , Mandi waste , Press Mud and coverts them into CNG , an energy efficient fuel . CNG helps in reducing pollution besides being a high calorific value fuel . The by product is ORGANIC FERTILSER which is going to improve the Agricultural produce thereby increasing the health of soil , atmosphere and people at large . The plant is going to develop employment opportunity in village and in this way will help in overall growth of the area and country at large. The CNG produced is readily purchased by any of the oil companies and the same is the case of ORGANIC FERTILISER , so there is no expenditure for the marketing of the main product as well as the BYPRODUCT. The Business concept is very unique and supplies constant Green Fuel in the form of compressed Natural gas 1. Solving pollution problem. 2. Solving the high cost of fertilisers used in Agriculture. 3. Reducing the quantity of food produced by using chemical fertilisers. 4. Reduction in cost of production of food 5 Employment in villages . 6 Huge reduction in green house gases. 7 Increase in soil porosity and more water absorption by agricultural land will reduce flooding of rural areas. 8 Renewable Green Energy production 9 Helps in keeping the surrounding atmosphere neat and clean
Show MoreYear of Establishment2021