Umaga Edutech provides a platform as BrainPi Labs where students can turn an innovative idea into reality and practice industry demanding skills in the field of emerging technologies like AI IoT and Robotics. We are a leading provider of Robotics and Innovation Lab for educational institutions. We dedicate to empower schools, position themselves above others by providing a platform for students to develop advanced skills. Umaga Edutech setup AI IoT Robotics and many other kind of Innovation Labs for the schools. We also setup Center of Excellence for the Engineering Colleges. We have designed labs that are capable of providing students much needed support for carrying out experiments, discussing the possibilities and taking big step towards solving problems of today and future. We provide curriculum that goes hand in hand with the academics along with delivering 21st century skills, enthusiastic and support from our innovative engineers and many other resources. We provide monthly subscription to the institutions in which we provide dedicated trainer to the institutions to conduct day to day practical training programs for students we also provide the monthly needed equipment annual lab maintenance and upgradations under our monthly subscription. We follow two kind of approaches for training to the students first one is Design Thinking Approach and second one is Project Based Learning.
Show MoreYear of Establishment2023