
Bussiness Ideas

TUMAAS MedTech Pvt Ltd is a Startup in healthcare sector. We planned to develop FDA and CDSCO approved facility dedicated to promote both disruptive & incremental innovations for in healthcare sector. ? Innovation & Product Development in Medical Diagnostics and Devices ? Invitro Diagnostics [Lateral Flow Assay], Molecular Diagnostics, ELISA, CRISPER Based Tests ? Digital Tools for Screening & Monitoring of Child Malnutrition ? AI-based tools for Screening of Tuberculosis and Other Diseases • Provide services for R&D Solutions, Rapid Prototyping, Manufacturing & Scaling Up Further, we aim to develop the quality of products and the entire process of their development and are sincerely committed to providing apt and high-quality products to all our customers. Domain Areas – In Vitro Diagnostics (Rapid, Molecular and CRISPR Based diagnostics) Medical Diagnostics and Devices Rapid TB Screening Tests Tests for Sickle Cell of Anemia Covid-19 Diagnostics Tests for Neglected Tropical Diseases Combo tests for Vector Borne Diseases Tests for Cattle Pregnancy & Japanese Encephalitis Diagnostics for future endemics / pandemics – Monkey Pox and Zika or Swine Flu Screening of Cervical Cancer etc We aim to develop modern state of art R & D facility for development of in vitro diagnostics. Our team is made up of scientists, technicians and executives who develop prototype and do internal evaluation under CDSCO/ FDA tests licenses. After protype development, required number of batches of devices are submitted to the testing agencies for final validation. After validation, we will apply for license from CDSCO/ FDA for scaling up and commercialization of the medical diagnostics and devices.

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Entity Type
Private Limited Company
Medical Devices
Startup Stage

Startup Teams

  • 1 Dr Vinay Saini (Director)
  • 2 Dr Kusum Saini (Director)

Incubation Details

  • Incubator Name
    Bundelkhand University Active Start-Up Incubation Council (BASIC)
  • Incubator Host Institution
    Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
  • Incubator Address
    Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Jhansi
  • State
    Uttar Pradesh
  • City

Approved Incentive

Not Available

Year of Establishment2024


Uttar Pradesh
Gautam Buddha Nagar
F.N. 801, TOWER AMBROSE, DEVSAI SPORTSHOME SECTOR1, I.A. Surajpur, Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar- 201306, Uttar Pradesh