Bussiness Ideas

Need for Parking Management System Around the world, commuters deal with the daily struggle of finding a parking space. Mega cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, etc are expected to remain one of the fastest growing cities around the world with ongoing economic and infrastructure initiatives. Government and private organizations will need to develop solutions to meet parking infrastructure needs for millions of citizens in these rapidly growing cities. Combining information management and analytics with data gathered from parking sensors and parking management systems will allow cities to make smarter and timelier decisions related to parking and their transportation systems. Citizens will be able to use the application on mobile or web to access parking At the same time officials will be able to use this solution to better understand parking patterns so they can improve citizen services, optimize revenue and effectively allocate city resource planning. PICCS can use massive amounts of transportation data to alleviate traffic congestion and improve transportation services, such as parking. With this fully integrated platform, including Smart Parking solution, PICCS will play a key role in addressing the parking challenges among governments, private companies and individuals.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company


Application Development

Startup Stage




Year of Establishment: 2021


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Varanasi
K52 / 8 - A , vriddhKal , harteerat Chauraha near Mahamrityunjay Mandir , pincode: 221001