
Bussiness Ideas

"Golden Hour Medical Emergency Service" Each medical emergency requires a particular set of doctors and healthcare facilities. Unaware of this fact patients keep knocking various hospitals when emergency hits. In this process they loose valuable GOLDEN HOUR. At times it means a waste of a lot of money and sometimes life also. We are a team of doctors developing an AI based solution for patients to pinpoint the medical emergency and navigating the patient to the RIGHT hospital to ensure that the patient gets stabilized within GOLDEN HOUR. On other hand there are hospitals equipped with particular medical facility, we can help them to address set of patients they can cater. Thus ours is an AGGREGATOR MODEL for a win- win situation for patients as well as hospitals. An AI-enabled fully automated application and website with a robust up to date real time data will reduce these gaps. It will also help India as a nation to utilise its existing healthcare infrastructure without any additional expenditure. As per a survey there are almost 8 million unnatural death occur in India, out of which 4 million lives can be saved provided we can have a strong emergency services. Countries like Canada have less than 10 mins response time in few states to compare with.

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Entity Type
Limited Liability Partnership
Health Information Technology
Startup Stage

Startup Teams

  • 1 Dr Prempal Singh (Partner)
  • 2 Mrs Arti Baghel (Partner)

Incubation Details

  • Incubator Name
  • Incubator Host Institution
    Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
  • Incubator Address
    Nehru Kendra, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
  • State
    Uttar Pradesh
  • City

Approved Incentive

  • 1 Sustenance Allowances (1st Tranche )
    ₹ 78,750.00

Year of Establishment2021


Uttar Pradesh
197,Ashish Royal Park