EARTH N POTS holds expertise in small space gardening and passionate about making the city Greener. Our ethos is to maximise the potential of your space, however large or small, whilst always acknowledging the level of maintenance that is best suited for your lifestyle. We combines breakthrough technology with the power of plants to kick pollution out of your home. Our aims to sensitize people towards green ethics and healthcare issues through the use of a simple,recognizable and innovative products. We have also ventured into a new vertical through our brand EARTH N CROPS ,our aim is to introduce millets as staples in north India,without compromising on the northindian taste and food preferences. We are developing locally consumed food staples using millets which is giving people a chance to switch to healthier grain without compromising on their food preferences. Currently north Indian market is following a new health trend of glutenfree food and market is flooded with processed gluten free items which are loaded with many ingredients that are causing more harm than any good. We on the other hand are focusing on 100% naturally gluten free product range that has immediate health impact.
Show MoreYear of Establishment2017