Bussiness Ideas

We are introducing a new era where fuel stations are now given wheels and technology drives them with minimal expenses. Using design-thinking in the best possible way, an exact replica of fuel stations but now with an advanced touch of engineering and technology is designed, known as the Fuelsaarthi Solutions Private Limited, the voice of innovation. It is integrated with smart technologies like the Internet of things (IoT) which facilitate the automated doorstep delivery of fuel. The technology is used in such a way that it takes care of all the needs of a safe and robust fuel delivery operation. Fuelsaarthi is a voice of innovation, which makes the age-old problems vanish. The fuelsaarthi established with the following main objects: 1. To carry on the business of purchase and sale of high speed diesel and diesel products 2. To purchase or otherwise acquire diesel and diesel related product and to store, hold, compress, bottle, pack, use, experiment with, buy, exchange, trade, home deliver, transport, import, export, sell, market, supply, distribute or otherwise dispose of or deal in such products, spirit, energy related and power related products of any nature and kind whatsoever 3. To carry on the business of acquiring, buying, selling, leasing, home delivering, developing, retreating, storing, distributing, piping and / or transporting and otherwise dealing in all kinds and classes and lubricating devices, lubricants, lubricating compositions, chemicals, chemical products, diesel and diesel related products and composition and all the articles materials and parts entering into any of the said products and to do all things necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of any of the said purposes. 4. To provide the technical and management consultancy services to establish and/or maintain agencies, branch and local offices and to procure registration or recognition and to carry on business in india and abroad and to take such steps as may be necessary to give the Company such rights and privileges as may be thought desirable.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company


Oil & Gas Transportation Services

Startup Stage




Year of Establishment: 2021


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Lucknow
D112 Rajajipuram, pincode: 226017