Bussiness Ideas

Our organization is providing a skilled manpower to the companies, as it was one of the great challenge for every business to conduct the training & development session to the newly arrieved freshers and for that session business are making lot of expenses on the T&D of those new candidates that what they have to do in the organization, our USP is that we provide the those candidates to the business which completely, as we are giving Off the Job training to those candidates, so that the cost of training session of business can be reduce and also by this system they could also save there time, and after hiring new candidates, the business can able to take the work from them from very first day.

Entity Type

Registered Partnership



Startup Stage




Year of Establishment: 2018


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Bareilly
A59 KARAMCHARI NAGAR, pincode: 243122