Bussiness Ideas

The proposed startup M/S ARCULUS LABS PRIVATE LIMITED is set up to carry on the business of broadcasting, telecasting, relaying, transmitting, distributing or running any video, audio, voice, or other programmers or software, (both proprietary and third party) over television, radio, internet, telecom or any other media. 1.To promote innovation,indigenous R&d and manufacturing to serve domestic and global market, by increasing skills and competencies. 2.To put in place an appropriate regulatory framework for delivery of VAS AT AFFODABLE PRICE so as to fuel growth in entrepreneurship, innovation and provision of region specific content in regional languages. 3.Innovation in digitalization,computerization and miniaturization. 4.Innovations in the internet,mobile communications,Packet based next generation networks leading to convergence of services. 5.Innovations related to ICT as a generic technology to redesign and rationalze production,administration and transaction processes and to create new processes and products to create the information society.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company



Startup Stage




Year of Establishment: 2021


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Lucknow
K-1288,SECTOR-K, pincode: 226012