Bussiness Ideas

Automation is our goal. We factor technology to take the service to a new high. Individually we have experience in variegated fields like designing and developing apt apps (both web and mobile) for start-ups, CRM, Attendance and payroll management, apart from providing seamless e-service platforms suitable across different segments of business and government. We provide efficient solutions for cloud storage, cloud support, and cloud maintenance to clients worldwide. We improve, migrate, and manage cloud services according to the demands of our customers. Our Enterprise architecture team supports customers in developing advanced software architecture that enhances productivity, stimulates revenue, and gives imperative maintenance during the development procedure. The sharp shift in consumer preferences due to work from home and lockdowns is pushing the limits for enterprises to redefine their mobile-focused priorities. Companies globally are realizing an urgent need of expanding their digital footprint and that engaging consumers for conversions on mobile is N OT discretionary. This creates tremendous growth opportunities for WISMAD CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED as the global narrative of both B2C companies and the consumers is shifting from 'Mobile is Important' to now 'Default is Mobile'. We are highly optimistic of this digital transformation and the speed with which it is happening. We are well prepared to leverage upon this new opportunity matrix enabling the advertisers to deeply engage with consumers. We offer to design creative and high-class 2D & 3D Animation, 3D Modelling, UI/UX & Templates, Video Creation, Logo Design, and Banner/Poster layouts that bring web traffic, visitors, convince consumers, or increase click-through rates. In next 3 years, we plan to expand & open our Liaison Offices for Marketing & Services, all across India and in 15+ Countries globally.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company


Web Development

Startup Stage

Early Traction



Year of Establishment: 2015


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Lucknow