Bussiness Ideas

Our Organization deals with two business model, Our companies supplies high quality laboratory and scientific equipment, chemicals, allied products to the Industrial, chemicals, Research, Educational, Food and beverage, Agricultural, Environmental science, Materials testing, General Laboratory, Medical and pharmaceuticals industries, Clinical &pathology, Petrochemicals of India and we have also built a software through which customer from any industries can buy laboratory equipment from our site. We are one stop shop for all your business needs. Companies have also developed ERP software for the educational institution with the purpose to empower educational institution where every information regarding the school management and the children are maintained. This software provides timely feedback as well as helps to build a better relationship with parents, thus creating a friendly image for school. By the help of this app at a single click, you can get the progress report of the students. Basically it is school management software which directly or indirectly controls all the activities of the management and offers a good image about the school in social circumstance.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company


Education Technology

Startup Stage



E-commerce ,Government ,Online Aggregator ,SaaS ,others

Year of Establishment: 2021


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Agra
Plot No. B-122, HIG, Phase 2-B,, pincode: 282002