Bussiness Ideas

Creation Hub has taken an initiative to propagate the knowledge of Automobile Industry among the people under the brand “Autocation”. Autocation started its website in 2012 to spread the knowledge of the industry and launched its mobile application in 2015. Apart from this Autocation has taken a part in various local activity (road campaign, driver training, auto expo campaign, etc) for spreading knowledge of automobile industry and educating people for safe driving. Since there is a big gap in trained and professional manpower in Automobile Industry, therefore as a next step Autocation has a plan to provide training and career counseling to the people like 10th , 12th, ITI and Diploma. With the correct guidance to the people, trained and knowledgeable manpower will be available to the Industry specially to the Dealer network of Automobile manufacturer. Autocation has a plan to start this project from the 2nd tier/city of Uttar Pradesh so that the people of these cities/town will become industry ready and get the job in their home town/city. Autocation is also committed to create awareness among the drivers for safe driving whether they are from government department or from big fleet operators. As of now Autocation has trained many young boys and helped them to get job in various automobile workshop. Current Scenario of Automobile space: There are more than 120 crore vehicles on Indian roads. Only 10 out of 100 people know about automobile correctly. Road accidents are on rise due to poor awareness of road safety. Automobile mechanics are unware about the Increasing technical complexity in today’s vehicles resulting poor maintenance and increased downtime. Increasing pollution due to incorrect maintenance of vehicle. ITI and Diploma colleges have limitations in providing practical knowledge and industry ready skills to the students. Contribution to the society in an unique way: Autocation has identified the challenges of Automobile space and designed a strategy to minimize difficulties and provide solutions. By its vision Autocation has a plan to address all these issues and make this segment of industry better place to work.

Entity Type

Private Limited Company


Web Development

Startup Stage




Year of Establishment: 2013


State: Uttar Pradesh
Disctrict: Kanpur Nagar
109/205 , pincode: 208012