
Bussiness Ideas

We have converged the fashion universe of a city, to our users smart phone, allowing them access of all retail outlets and fashion belts. Hereby making apparels and fashion a instant access commodity. Cartrefs stands as a beacon of innovation, addressing critical issues affecting accessibility of lifestyle and apparel needs with precision and purpose. Returns, the silent behemoth of online commerce, threaten profit margins and consumer trust; Cartrefs confronts this challenge head-on, mitigating the risk through zero-obligation purchasing and immersive showroom experiences at doorstep within 1 hour. The deceptive allure of product images fades with Cartrefs commitment to authenticity and transparency, ensuring that what you see is indeed what you get. The digital realm seemingly frozen in time since 1994, Cartrefs breathes fresh life into the ecommerce arena, ushering in a new era of immediacy and innovation. In India, the absence of immediate service for lifestyle and apparel purchases has long been felt; Cartrefs fills this void with lightning-fast delivery and orchestrating a showroom experience at doorstep, revolutionizing the online shopping experience. Gone are the days of compulsory purchases and blind faith; Cartrefs empowers consumers with the freedom to inspect and decide upon delivery, elevating customer satisfaction to new heights. Moreover, Cartrefs tackles the environmental toll of traditional deliveries, minimizing carbon emissions through localized sourcing and swift, efficient delivery mechanisms.

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Entity Type
Private Limited Company
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Startup Stage

Startup Teams

  • 1 Salman Shakeel (Founder)
  • 2 Shakeel Ahmed (Director)

Incubation Details

Not Incubated

Approved Incentive

Not Available

Year of Establishment2022


Uttar Pradesh
42/140 E-1 Halwai Ki Baggichi